Spring Semester 2022, Classes begin January 11, 2022. Expect December reading assignments in Biology, American History, English and Economics
8:15 - 9:45
Spanish 2 Avancemos, 2 duo and
Spanish 2: Avancemos, 2 duo and
9:45 - 11:15
English ¾: IEW The Elegant Essay
LIterature books: Tom Sawyer , Of Mice and Men, Great Gatsby, The Crucible, Their Eyes are Watching God plus short stories by Hawthorne, O. Henry, and Richard Connell, Guy de Maupassant.
Biology: Apologia Biology Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd edition
11:15 - 12:30
American history: Compass Classroom Compass Classroom David Raymond’s American History ask SCA for discount code.
Econ & Finance : Dave Ramsey Purchase from SCA $55.00
1:30 - 3:00
Econ & Finance: Ramsey Purchase from SCA $55.00
Geometry: All Things Algebra Geometry purchase from SCA $40
Algebra 1: All Things Algebra, purchase from SCA