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  • What is Classical Education?
    “Classical education depends on a three-part process of training the mind. The early years of school are spent in absorbing facts, systematically laying the foundations for advanced study. In the middle grades, students learn to think through arguments. In the high school years, they learn to express themselves. This classical pattern is called the trivium.” (
  • How is SCA organized?
    We are a 501(c)(3) with a Board of Directors, Executive Director, Assistant Director of Operations, and Headmaster of Upper School and Lower School. Every grade level kindergarten through 5th grade has a lead teacher. Grades 6th through 8th have the same team of teachers. High School classes are offered by demand. All science and math classes are currently taught by certified teachers. High School courses have a syllabus and course requirements.
  • How does the program work?
    We work with your student on Tuesday and Thursday in all subjects and then we offer assignments on the ‘off’ days through a program called Classreach. We do not require Zoom Sessions on off days unless we are quarantined and then Zoom is offered but not required on Tuesday and Thursdays.
  • How much is tuition?
    Registration is a non-refundable fee of $300 to hold your child's spot in a class. Tuition for K-8th grade is $3200 for the whole year. There is also a materials fee of $500 that will cover the cost of all curriculum and materials for students. These fees have to be paid per student that registers. We also have optional enrichment learning on Wednesdays for $1500/year and tutoring on Mondays and Fridays. To receive more information, click here.
  • Does SCA follow the same academic calendar as SDOC?
    We will have the same Spring Break, but we only have 32 weeks of in person instruction so we have several week long breaks throughout the year (Fall Break, Winter Break, Christmas Break and Spring Break). View our class calendar here.
  • How do you test students to make sure they are on track?
    We will use formative assessments throughout the school year in every class to guide instruction BUT we ask that you be fully involved as a parent. As a homeschool parent, you will have your child 3 days a week so we encourage you to keep tabs on their progress alongside us. We will give grades and we will offer MAP testing as well as standardized testing (NOT South Carolina State Standard Testing), one time a year. These are optional.
  • Do I have to choose and buy my own curriculum?
    We will select your curriculum for you and the materials fee will cover the cost of all books. Some books are consumable while others you will turn back in to SCA at the end of the year. Your books will be issued to you over the summer prior to the start of school.
  • Do students wear uniforms?
    Yes, we do require students to wear collared shirts (light blue, hunter green, light pink or white) with khaki or navy shorts, skirts (for girls) or pants. Any shoes are fine.
  • Do students need to pack a lunch?
    Yes! We are peanut-free, so please don’t go nuts on us!
  • What if my child has a health concern?
    We will make sure we are all aware of any student health concern that is life-threatening such as an allergy or seizure disorder, as well as we will train the staff on how to deal with the situation throughout the school if necessary.
  • How do I register?
    Click on the registration icon on the main page to register once registration opens Feb. 10th, 2025.
  • Does SCA serve students with a 504 Plan or an IEP?
    Yes! SCA values every students and desires to see all children LOVE JESUS, SERVE OTHERS, and BE THANKFUL. However, some students may have needs that require more extensive support that we can not provide on a 2 days per week model. The administration team will discuss your student's 504 plan or IEP with special education experts to determine if SCA is capable of accommodating and teaching your child based on how their disability impacts learning. If we do not feel comfortable with our services for your child, we will inform you of our recommendation. **Please Note: SCA does not receive funding from the federal government to carry out 504 Plans or IEPs although it is our desire to serve students to best of our ability.
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